Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Results Are In!

So, I finally got my post-op appointment with my fertility doctor.  I refrain from calling her 'super' anymore because I'm a little concerned about the care I'm getting.  I don't want to talk bad about her, nor do I distrust her at this point, but I'm a little skeptical.  Tell me...have you had a surgery where your doctor doesn't come to check on you afterwards?  I apologize if this is the norm, but the fact my doctor didn't come see me after being under anesthesia, poked, cut open, instrument insertion into my body, etc., doesn't sit well with me.  She couldn't even swing by to poke her head in the door and see how I'm doing?  Needless to say, they had me hopped up on so many pain meds, which I appreciate they kept me out of pain; however, I don't respond well to these drugs.  My body is very sensitive and I become nauseous easily.  Not surprisingly, I got sick twice before leaving the hospital.  Again, I appreciate their efforts to keep me out of pain because they succeeded and I would much rather 'Claven' than be in pain from cuts to my torso.  

This isn't the only thing.  In the week leading up to my surgery (and the week following the WTF procedure), I had some strange things happen to my body.  I won't go into detail because its gross, but it involved my vagina, a strange bloody substance, and one freaked out soon-to-be mama.  It was New Year's Day and I had no choice but to call my doctor.  I wasn't going to the emergency wasn't a severe flow, like something was punctured; however, I needed medical advise and I wanted it quickly. 

So, a few hours later, I get a phone call from a 'blocked' number so I don't answer it..why would I?  I never answer these calls.  If you don't want me to know you're calling, then I don't want to talk to you.  Fair enough, right?  They call back again...immediately.  Knowing I have a call out to my doctor, I answer the phone.  And sure enough, it's my doctor's nurse.  She says, 'I called earlier but you didn't answer.'  (Actually, she called a moment prior).  I said, 'Oh sorry.  It came across as a blocked number so I didnt....'  Before I can finish, she cuts me off and while chuckling says, 'well...we're not going to give you our number!'  I told her I didn't want her number, I just wanted to talk to my doctor.  It was like she was anticipating I was going to say something about a blocked number just so she could tell me she wasn't going to give me her number.  This really pissed me off!  I know these people probably have these conversations a thousand time a day and are sick of concerned women, trying their damnedest to have a family and give their husbands children (what bitches);  however, this is my first experience with this whole thing and when my body does things I'm not used to, you better be ready for a phone call from me!  It's not like I came to her house.  I'm not one of these super pushy, needy, demanding patients.  I take things at face value, expect  honesty, the truth, and to be treated with some dignity and respect.  

Of course I vent to all of you.  I have yet to have this conversation with my doctor.  I don't want to screw up my chances of her getting me pregnant.  But be sure, the day is coming.  She will know how I feel.  I think its time she send her staff through sensitivity training...just a refresher course will do.

Anyway, everthing is ok.  My tubes are open and working fine.  My ovaries look fantastic and I have an ovary supply of a 25-year old....according to the sonogram technician (at a loss for her true title).  That's very egg supply is great and I'm confident I will have a great response to the fertility treatments.  I'm not cocky, but I'm not stressing out or scared either.  I'm keeping my eye on the prize and will forego what it takes to get me there.  

I guess my whole reason for telling you all this is because maybe if you sense these things happening with your doctor, you will be more brave and speak up immediately.  I hope that just one person gets something positive out of my experience.  Something that will help ease her mind and assist in accomplishing her goal of becoming a mommy.  

The next step...if I don't start my period in the next few days, I'm to start Provera (the medicine that will make you start your period) again, menstrual cycle will begin, vaginal sonogram and hopefully first round of fertility shots.  It truly excites me to verbalize this...I hope all goes as planned.

Please keep trying for a family, keep the faith, and continue loving your spouse.  

I will keep you posted!  And as always, thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you can just send your doc a link to your blog...that way you won't forget to say something you really wanted too:)
    I'm so excited for you and Arfer!
    Is this whole think going by quickly, or does it feel like forever? Just wanted to know what you were feeling about the timing of the process??
