Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Little Prick

Hello my sweet, supportive followers.  I'm sorry I haven't written in awhile, but I'm here to fill you in on all the latest details.

About a week ago (tomorrow), I started the shot, Follistim.  Follistim includes  a hormone that stimulates the follicles within the ovaries so they grow to the proper size and produce an egg (or eggs).  I started with 150 units/day for 4 days.  On Sunday (day 4), my doctor drew blood to check my hormone levels. They were a bit high, so I was told to drop down to 75 units/day for 2 days.  I went back Tuesday for a Tommy Lee.  I have one follicle at 15 millimeters, two at 13 millimeters and another at 12 millimeters (the ideal size is 15-20 millimeters).  They say I'm right on track and lowered my dose to 50 units/day for 2 more days.  So, I go back tomorrow and I'm not really sure what's going to occur.  I have a feeling I will be probed once again and, at that point, given further instructions.  I have gathered they aren't giving me the full run down of what  to do until its time because they don't want me self-administering.  I can't imagine injecting myself with drugs without my doctor's blessing but I guess they have their reasons.  Maybe it's a liability thing.

Nonetheless, during my Tommy Lee experience Tuesday, the doctor asked if my ovaries felt 'full.'  I wasn't sure what she was talking about at the time, but I do now!  It's the craziest feeling.  I can literally feel my ovaries.  My belly is also swollen.  Not swollen, bloated.  I feel like I have a full water bottle hanging from my waist.  It's actually kind of gross, but I don't mind...just making room for my future little stinkbug.  She also said I have several follicles and that's why they lowered my dose again...they don't want me to be the next octo-mom (I verbally thanked her for that).  

As for the drugs, so far no extreme reactions.  My emotions haven't been swinging like a pendulum (although I think my husband might beg to differ).  :)  I have taken measures to keep my emotions in check through this experience.  I avoid reading anything about fertility.  I listen to my doctors, I follow their instructions to a 'T' and I focus on my own experience.      I feel I'm doing myself more good than harm by avoiding everything that's out there.  It's kind of like ignorance is bliss?  I don't know, but it's working for me so I'm sticking with it.

As always, thanks for checking in and I will continue to keep you posted.

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